If you're a fan of Harry Potter, you'll remember countless moments in the books and movies that inspired that sense of romantic wonder of youth. At the heart of those moments are the relationships between the characters we've grown to love. Part of the charm of this universe is the wonder of discovering a world full of magic coupled with being a regular teen going through the motions. We all remember Harry's first awkward attempts at socialization with Cho, and the timeless will-they-won't-they between Ron and Hermione that lasts until senior year!

When the series skyrocketed into worldwide popularity, what soon followed was an enormous wave of fan fiction, fan art, memes, comics, and so much more. The Harry Potter fan community is full of talented people who concoct elaborate and creative re-imaginings our beloved characters' relationships. This vibrant muggle subculture of magic appreciators has produced countless endearing, embarrassing, and often hilarious comics and memes. It would take a lifetime to see them all.

It's also okay to make fun of something you love. Fan art and fiction are obviously celebratory, but it can be satirical too. The series does leave some of the rules of the magical world up for debate. Sometimes the best Harry Potter re-imaginings both celebrate and parody some of its logic. But most of all, this fervent community of fan-artists takes the journey of the Harry Potter world to new and imaginative places, and brings us back to that sense of youthful wonder and excitement.

24 James And Lily — Dating!?

via: weheartit.com

Art by: AmityLee

Ah yes, the relationship that started it all. After all, we wouldn't have Harry if there wasn't first Lily and James! Just like our beloved protagonists, Harry's parents once caroused the snowy streets of Hogsmeade and drank butterbeer. There is much love for fan art focused on the Marauders timeline during their teen years. Part of the fondness for this time comes from seeing the buds of the Lily-James romance as they begin to blossom into something bigger. It's also a time we never got to experience in the books or movies. We hear about the Marauders almost as some time of great myth, so it's fun to see them just acting like teens themselves.

23 James's Spiderman Moment

via: minuiko.deviantart.com

Art by: Minuiko

Another endearing James and Lily piece, strongly hinting at that memorable Spider-Man kiss scene. Lily's face says it all: that she's crushing on this Potter kid but good luck hearing her admit it! And here's James acting like a goofier yet somehow much more confident and charming Harry. Since J.K. Rowling never took readers to that time directly, this romance is a part of the overall story that in fact only fans can convey. We revel in seeing different characters live out their own teen years, so we get to experience that youthful sense of wonder and romance through their eyes too. Plus having Snape as a gawky stand-in for Malfoy is pretty entertaining.

22 Lily Nurses The Wounded Soldier

via: viria13.deviantart.com

Art by: Viria13

This one is from viria13's amazing collection of Harry Potter fan art. In what could be a post-broomstick-accident, the beautiful Lily Evans nurses James Potter back to health. Again this one conveys the adorable budding romantic relationship of theirs. James doesn't seem to mind being injured since an unavoidable side effect seems to be having caught some wounded soldier syndrome. And for all her disinclination, Lily is likely happier about playing James' nurse than she lets on. It's clear that "You really are an idiot, Potter" holds some flirtatious undertones. Who knows where she got the nurses armband or if it's really necessary, though it certainly adds to the allure.

21 Marauders Gender Bend

via: upthehillart.deviantart.com

Art by: Upthehillart

Among the myriad trends this subculture of Potter fan art and fiction has produced, a sizeable gender-bend trend has arisen, with some incredible results in fan art. The Potter community is vast and diverse, and these gender-bending fan-made pieces set aside the rigid norms of the mainstream gender binary. They take our favourite relationships between characters and spin them in a new light. Here's one of upthehillart's stunning shots of the Marauders (minus Peter) that really brings out the spirit of growing up alongside the people you love. Plus the art style is beautiful. These characters seem so real in this moment, which feels like a universal moment of youth.

20 Marauders Gender Bend With Boy-Lily

via: viria13.deviantart.com

Art by: Viria13

Another one from viria13, this fantastic gender-bender re-imagines our beloved Marauders (minus Peter again, sorry Peter), then with a boyish Lily checking out a girlish James. There's just something so fun about seeing Sirius, James, and Lupin in a whole new light. It's great seeing the seeds of the James-Lily romance, with a twist! We know these characters will end up together, but swapping gender roles puts a charming spin on it, making it new and unknown again and revitalizing the excitement in new youthful romance. In this version, perhaps it's Potter who would feign reluctance for romance. Boy Lily seems pretty confident, and evidently finds something adorable about this cute and gawky reinterpretation of James.

19 Lily Evans Is Beautiful When She's Angry

via: viria13.deviantart.com

Art by: Viria13

The things we'll do for love, eh?

Here's yet another from viria13's superb collection. Though there are less vibrant colours this one still holds that enchanting comic book style, once more capturing that adorable James-Lily dynamic. It's that feeling that grows when you're falling in love, where even in the worst moods, your crush somehow just gets that much more horribly adorable. It's horrible I tell you! And of course, we have James being playful and teasing her (in a nice kind of way). Though Lily is angry at his immaturity, she probably is secretly loving it on the inside in a "How is he so cute when he's so immature" kind of way.

18 Hermione And Ginny Girl Talk

via: ddll.deviantart.com

Art by: Ddll

Let's jump ahead a generation, to Harry's time when he comes off as much more oblivious and less charming than James ever did, at least as depicted in much of the fan art. Here we have something that isn't explored much at all in the books or movies, that is Hermione and Ginny's friendship. Hermione spends so much with Harry and Ron in the series that we barely hear of her and Ginny just hanging out as girls. Hermione has some sage advice, to be sure. We're all familiar with the idea that you want what you can't have, and with Ginny, this kind of works. Harry only really begins to turn his head towards her once Dean Thomas steals the snog show.

17 Ginny's Not-So-Discrete Stares Of Longing

via: viria13.deviantart.com

Art by: Viria13

A viria13 piece once more, with Ginny gazing longingly at Harry offscreen, ignoring Luna and Neville and whatever class work she should be working on. Neville's comment speaks to Harry's total obliviousness in regards to Ginny's romantic feelings. I mean, could she be any more obvious? These three characters are typically known as the "Silver Trio" since they play somewhat of a background role together, kind of in the shadow of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. In the fan community, however, this trio gets lots of love! They have a fun dynamic on their own and a bountiful supply of fan art has given us many endearing moments with them that we never got to experience in the official series.

16 Harry Finally Notices Ginny

via: bbandittt.deviantart.com

Art by: Bbandittt

Eventually, of course, Harry does notice Ginny for the beautiful red magic-user that she is. It's funny that Harry and Ron blabbing generically about Quidditch is the wizarding world's equivalent to "bro talk." This comic could take place right around the time that Dean has snatched Ginny's golden snitch, I mean heart. In any case, Harry's eyes finally begin to open and his head to turn. Then there's that awkward moment when you're caught in the midst of ogling someone, and that someone happens to be your best friend's little sister and he just caught you. What follows is what I call The Great Dilemma of Harry's Time: "I like her… but she's Ron's sister. But I like her," and rinse and repeat.

15 The Red Head

via: bilious.deviantart.com

Art by: Bilious

Once again a depiction of Harry finally noticing Ginny, much to Ron's displeasure! This one very concisely sums up that whole character arc, though obviously, Ginny is so much more than just a "red head". Ron inhabits the typical older brother trope, wherein it's his ordained brotherly duty to beat the heck out of anyone who so much as looks Ginny's way, best friend or not. Simply put, it's just the honourable brotherly thing to do, as popular culture has taught us. It's unclear whether Harry's intentionally pushing Ron's buttons or if he's oblivious to Ron's feelings. Given some of the prior evidence, I'd say the latter is definitely possible.

14 Guilty Harry

via: dkcissner.deviantart.com

Art by: Dkcissner

Continuing on that same theme, Ron again simply can't stand the fact that his best friend and his sister have feelings for each other. I mean, come on Ron, they both could have done worse, right? At least Ginny wasn't cruising Crabbe or Goyle, for instance. And Harry crushing on a Weasley? Ron should be proud! Maybe he's secretly worried that Harry and Ginny together would mean less Harry bromance time for him. It's also great when wizards and witches temporarily forget that they have battle magic (like the ubiquitous "Expelliarmus!"), and instead resort to using the classic muggle fighting-style, fists. That seems only to happen when emotions run high and they're blinded by rage, apparently, that induces a temporary amnesia towards magic.

13 Harry And Ginny Mutual Heartaches

via: followtheriver.deviantart.com

Art by: Followtheriver

But before Great Snog Fest began, there was only the yearning.

Oh the pangs of having a crush but being too young and unwitting to do anything about it. Plus having a magical map so you can know where your crush is at all times. Despite the troubling implications of the Marauder's magic stalker map, this gorgeous pencil-drawn piece holds a certain adorable charm. Harry doesn't have time to use the map for world-saving purposes, he's too busy with his angst and his yearning for his red-headed passion, thinking to himself, "What could she be doing?" And the endearing thing; she's probably yearning for him too! All this as a giant buildup for the great snogging of their time in their foreseeable future.

12 Broomstick Ride

via: ticklishpear.deviantart.com

Art by: Ticklishpear

Two broomsticks, one through line? Here's captain Harry taking a moment in the air for Quidditch coaching, and it's totally platonic. There's no dialogue here but there's obviously some subtext going on here: there is chemistry afloat. Potter fan art is great for moments like this, just two characters acting totally casual together in some preposterous setting, like while they float hundreds of feet in the air. What could Harry be saying? "I could use your help in the broom closet after the game… Don't tell Ron" is one possibility. Really though, this moment is adorable for capturing the post-awkwardness when Harry and Ginny can finally just enjoy each other's company in a casual way. Of course with some heavy-handed "going for a ride" implications.

11 Harry And Ginny Films VS Books

via: youowemeasoda.deviantart.com

Art by: Youowemeasoda

One big trend in the fan art community is the Books vs. Movies comparison pieces. Any time popular literature gets adapted for film, there will be an outcry from certain fans about the discrepancies. "That's not how I picture the cupboard under the stairs!" It's true that the giddy excitement of young romance conveyed in the books was altered a bit in Harry and Ginny's movie dynamic. Even their teen awkwardness in the films feels awkward, and maybe forced. There is something to be said for leaving things up to the imagination in a written series, the reader is much more participatory than a film viewer. Here we see book-Harry being much closer to the confident James that we've seen in the previous fan art.

10 Neville Longbottom Books VS Movies

via: dorkly.com

Art by: George Rottkamp

Another Books vs. Movies piece, featuring Neville. One thing that completely took fans by surprise was the total hunk that Neville Longbottom turned into in the film series. Portrayed by actor Matthew Lewis, dorky young Neville worked so well in the early movies, but that somehow slipped away in the later ones, leaving fans all like...

"What?! Neville. Got. Spicy!"

His arc in the films, his crowning achievement and defining characteristic seems to have been sprouting abs and growing a gorgeous face. It was a slow and gradual process but suddenly by the time the Deathly Hallows rolled around, Neville was all the rage. Who have thunk? The question is, how did he make it happen? The next comic just might give you the answer…

9 Steamy Neville's Dark Secret

via: dorkly.com

That's right we finally have an explanation for how Neville the dweeb turned out so spicy. It's clear that in the later parts of the series Neville really starts to shine. It was a magical transition for him, perhaps quite literally as this comic would suggest. Neville here takes a page out of Barty Crouch Junior's book, though his choice of subject evidently a few notches more attractive than Mad-Eye Moody. Funnily enough, Matthew Lewis does look somewhat like a cross between Gosling and Owen. Looks aren't everything though! Neville's confidence and the heroism that he shows later in the series are what truly make him shine bright. I guess what I'm trying to say is, he's beautiful on the inside too you guys.

8 Dramione Puppy Love

via: mariyand-r.deviantart.com

Art by: Mariyand-r

One big trend in the fan fiction community is the pairing of unlikely couples. One of the more popular pairings is "Dramione," a Draco-Hermione romantic affair. Despite his constant bullying and calling her a mudblood, it's pretty obvious that Draco may have some dormant or subdued feelings for Hermione. Now how could we take Draco's secret crush and turn it into something totally adorable? With little puppies of course! We see Draco's parents with their shocked and disapproving looks in the background. This speaks to Draco's coveted love and the want-what-you-can't-have (or want-what-your-parents-won't-let-you-have) syndrome. He is destined to be an evil Death Eater, so a romance with a member of the Potter Trio is out of the question, so slobbery dog kisses it is.

7 The Hermione In Ron's Head

via: shmivv.deviantart.com

Art by: Shmivv

If Draco's crush on Hermione was subdued, Ron's was anything but. But what was Ron to do about it? As he taught us in A Very Potter Musical, "You don't tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot!" When you're head-over-heels for someone, you can pretty quickly dive way too deep into your own head about it, as Ron's doing here. But obviously, the version of Hermione he's imagining is but a projection of himself. It's these kinds of moments that leave the audience squirming in their seats, just wanting to yell out of frustration "Just tell her you idiot!!!" But alas, if there's one thing that Ron fears as much as spiders, it's confronting his feelings.

6 Voldemort Reminisces

via: tenshi-no-hikari.deviantart.com

Art by: Tenshi-no-hikari

An edited version of Voldemort reminiscing with Bellatrix and Lucius. It's hilarious seeing these architects of evil reminisce together in such an innocent and innocuous way. However, this comic raises a lot of question for me. The hilarious thing about Voldemort's appearance is the timeframe from when he went from spicy young Tom Riddle to scary noseless Dark Lord. Like what did in-between stage look like? Also, who's taking these photos of Voldy casting Cruciatus and snatching dark arts book in the restricted zone? For that matter, how has it always been so easy for students to sneak into the restricted zone of the library? So many unanswered questions!

Dear J.K., I have some inquiries regarding the security protocols of the restricted zone...

5 James's Adorable Love Poem

via: julvett.deviantart.com

Art by: Julvett

Love letters, it would appear, are one of the things that transcend the boundaries between the muggle and wizarding worlds, and it looks like James has really been brushing up on his poetry skills. I mean, given the potential romantic encroachment from Snape, it seems like he probably had to step up his game. Were his dueling skills not enough? If you can read the post-script, it seems James really did hex Snape and send him to the hospital wing. Though I think it's safe to say that it was James' spectacular poetics that sealed the deal for him and Lily. Can you imagine Harry writing love poems for Ginny? They might have passed that awkward stage way sooner.