Feed Blue Planet Seaweed to Cannabis

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  1. Northeastgrw

    Northeastgrw Well-Known Member

    Hey guys. I'm using a nutrient line called Blue Planet Nutrients. Great nute line. Especially there organic stuff. Recently starting collar spaying with there liquid seaweed. Plants seen to love it. Brings nice color to the plant
  2. colton620

    colton620 Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to use them too. Do you use 1/4 strength. I can't find any info on how strongly I should feed them besides the chart.
  3. Northeastgrw

    Northeastgrw Well-Known Member

    I use full stregth. Follow the chart. I know a popular you tube grower experimenting with it. He's got it down to full stregth. Says it's still eworking perfect. Imcan help you with bpn if you need it. Awesome nute line
  4. Northeastgrw

    Northeastgrw Well-Known Member

    I sometimes start my plants off with general Organics for the first few weeks then I'll wsitch over to bpn. There is a popular you tube grower that's been experimenting with bpn. He brought it down to 1/2 stregth and said it was just as good. No need to hammer them
  5. I never understood foliar....i have never seen mother nature mix stuff in the rain. If you look at the circulation system of a plant it makes no sense either.
  6. Grade A

    I've never seen Mother Nature mix stuff at all lol
  7. Well in the root system mother nature mixes new nutes at various ppm and ph all the time....rain run off....this mix system does not occur at a foliar level
  8. GoldGrower

    Old School

    Give the roots the correct amount of nutes and foliage feeding will overdose them. thats on the condition that stomata can take in and use nutrients anyway.

    Wetting the leaves is generally a bad idea and will likely cause a lot more problems than it solves. The only time I wet my leaves is when I'm spraying for bugs. Unfortunately I don't have any choice.

    Foliar feeding may not kill your plants but I very much doubt they could ever benefit from it. Water will clog stomata and basically will suffocate the plant until it dries. Dry leaves are far more efficient at transpiring.

    I'm not saying anyone should stop doing it. They are more than welcome to do whatever they want but I see no logic in doing it myself

  9. Northeastgrw

    Northeastgrw Well-Known Member

    IT calls for a tablespoon per gallon but i just use 2 teaspoons..
  10. Northeastgrw

    Northeastgrw Well-Known Member

    completely incorrect!! plants absorb thru the leaves..im not going to go into the scientifics of it..look it upo its quite easy..but you are absolutely incorrect
  11. organacare

    organacare Registered User

    Thrive alive b1 "red label" by technaflora is a great product for foliar feeding also.
    That was the first product I'd heard of foliar feeding 10 yrs ago. A easy way to "green up" a slightly deficient plant.
  12. . What are your thoughts on spraying SST onto leaves? I find it only takes like 15 minutes to dry with are good fan, can't imagine it being TOO detrimental. Not saying your wrong, I just like hearing *reading* your thoughts :)Watch out, Gold! This guy's got a lot of proof to back his claim.
    Oh god! He's even got scientifics!!!
  13. Making popcorn...pullin up a chair for this one lmao
  14. Al Swearengen

    Al Swearengen Heterosis Maximus
    Gold Member

    this threads a joke and evidently gold grower has friends in this place, but that shouldn't mean they allow him to post bull shit arm chair science to everyone needing help, that's just wrong and i could care less if they ban me for it. we've had enough bull shit from the gov, we don't need it here.
  15. str8jacket

    str8jacket Well-Known Member

    Foliar feeding is generally done by newbs that don't know any better. It's great for firns; completely counterproductive for MJ plants.

    Yes, plants can absorb water through their leaves. It's a survival mechanism for drought conditions. When the ground dries up from lack of rain, the leaves can absorb morning dew to keep from drying out.

    When it rains on outdoor growing MJ plants, they droop their leaves down to shed the water.

    Healthy plants get their water/nutrients through the root system and transpire water through the leaves. It's all part of the process of photosynthesis. Spraying water on the leaves only makes for a lazy root system and impedes photosynthesis.

    People who promote foliar feeding for MJ plants, and stubbornly try to justify it are only propagating misinformation.

    Tommy Chong sprayed water on some fake MJ plants in a movie, so it must be the correct thing to do. :laughing:

  16. str8jacket

    str8jacket Well-Known Member

    Stubborn ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance. Thos who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    "but that shouldn't mean they allow him to post bull shit arm chair science to everyone needing help"

    Ah, mocking what you don't understand, calling it "bull shit arm chair science".

    Who is "needing help"? This isn't the sick plant forum. I must have missed the part where someone asked for help.

  17. If you were likeable you would also probably have friends.
    But being friends has nothing to do with me calling you out on your bullshit answer about "not getting into the scientifics of it". Oh yeah, you convinced me there. Because someone corrects you don't just assume that I'm sticking up for a bud. Even if I didn't know him I would of posting the same thing because it's people like you that spread stupid shit like "roots grow better in the dark". Thanks Str8.
    But I guess now he'll probably make up some excuse about how all of GC are Golds brothers and are only sticking up for him blah blah blah. I hate ignorant people. I don't know everything but I enjoy being proved wrong and being taught why I am wrong. Only way to learn.
    That's why people like Al stay on the short bus.
  18. He's saying that if you properly feed it through the roots there isn't any need. He's not saying it doesn't work.
    The exact same thing would happen if you gave it a kelp tea to the roots.
  19. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Legal Medical Grower
    Old School

    Never..... Never spray anything on your bud.
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Source: https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/foliar-feeding.1353727/

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